venerdì 31 ottobre 2014

Happy Halloween :)

acid rain fx is obtained using particles as input geometry into SOUP's attributeTransfer bounding object.

here are the connections for attributeTransfer chain:

. (pumpkin).worldMesh[0]-> attributeTransfer.inGeometry
. attributeTransfer.outWeightPP -> point.inWeightPP
. attributeTransfer.outGeometry -> point.inGeometry
. point.outWeightPP -> arrayMapper.vCoordPP
. arrayMapper.outValuePP  nComponents.glueStrengthPerVertex
. arrayMapper.outValuePP  nComponents.strengthPerVertex
. arrayMapper.outValuePP  nComponents.weightPerVertex

here are the connections for bounding object:

. particleShape.worldPosition -> boundingObjectShape.inParticlePositionPP

nodes set-up:

attributeTransfer - weight
point - weight
nComponents - strength, glue, weight -per vertex
bounding obj -  shape - input geometry
bounding obj - weight falloff - 1 (constant)
bounding obj - initialize point attribute radius - (the one you like)


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